Publication of the summary of cross-border exchange on biosecurity of continental and marine waters

 In Actualités, Evènements

In May 2019, the UK LIFE RAPID team and the French team from the IAS Resource Center organized two days of cross-border exchanges in Concarneau.

Bringing together around fifty English, Belgian, French and Irish participants, this event was devoted to the biosecurity of continental and marine waters as a means of preventing biological invasions.

Exchanges of best practices and feedback between these countries have made it possible to identify synergies and formulate recommendations. A summary of these days has just been published in the OFB collection “Meetings”.Illustrated with examples and accompanied by testimonials, it recalls the existing issues and offers a series of recommendations to support France in its reflections to prevent biological invasions.


Download the publication (also available in French)
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Conférence Journée Biosécurité Concarneau - (c) Alain Dutartre - Centre de ressources EEE