Management of invasive alien amphibians: technical sheets dedicated to African clawed frogs and the bullfrog.
At the end of a 6-year project (2016-2022), the teams of the European LIFE CROAA (Control stRategies Of Alien invasive Amphibians) program have synthesized the best techniques for monitoring and managing the American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) and the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) in France. The American bullfrog and the African clawed frog are two […]
RAPSODI Project Launch
The RAPSODI project (RAPana venosa and polyclades: protocol development for Monitoring and Observation through In-situ Detection of environmental DNA of non-indigenous species threatening shellfish farming) was launched on Friday 21 January 2022. This two-year project aims to improve knowledge of two non-indigenous marine species that are potentially invasive and problematic for shellfish farming: the veined […]
Publication of the summary of cross-border exchange on biosecurity of continental and marine waters
In May 2019, the UK LIFE RAPID team and the French team from the IAS Resource Center organized two days of cross-border exchanges in Concarneau. Bringing together around fifty English, Belgian, French and Irish participants, this event was devoted to the biosecurity of continental and marine waters as a means of preventing biological invasions. Exchanges […]
Cross border information exchange event on the prevention of invasive alien species: a European catalyst?
On 16 and 17 May 2019, 50 people attended a two-day cross border information exchange event in Concarneau, Brittany, on the prevention of invasive alien species (IAS – also known as invasive non-native species INNS). This was the first ever event co-organised by the French IAS Resource Centre (Centre de ressources EEE) and Great Britain’s […]
Programme LIFE RAPID : un séminaire franco-anglais (novembre 2018)
À l’initiative de l’APHA (Animal and Plant Health Agency) de Grande-Bretagne et avec l’appui organisationnel de l’Agence régionale de la Biodiversité en Île-de-France, un séminaire de travail organisé à Paris le 13 novembre 2018 a regroupé une quinzaine de participants. Cette journée, consacrée à la « gestion holistique (voir encadré) des espèces exotiques envahissantes dans les écosystèmes aquatiques d’eau […]